Taoism and Me
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Inspirational Words

On this page I'll share inspirational quotes and passages, as well as stories from friends, family, or people who visit my site. I'll update this page frequently, so be sure to check back.

As personal commentary is sometimes useful, I might include my own thoughts and feelings about the passages I present. Here's an example of a format I might use:


Passage of the Day

"In dwelling, be close to the land. In meditation, go deep in the heart. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. In speech, be true. In ruling, be just. In daily life, be competent. In action, be aware of the time and the season."
- Lao Tzu


I often find myself obsessing on things which don't really matter. This passage, taken from "Tao Te Ching," reminds me that the basic principles of life can and should be simple.

Looked at but cannot be seen - it is beneath form;
Listened to but cannot be heard - it is beneath sound;
Held but cannot be touched - it is beneath feeling;
These depthless things evade definition,
And blend into a single mystery.

In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not occur;
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name silence;
Follow it, it has no back,
Meet it, it has no face.

Attend the present to deal with the past;
Thus you grasp the continuity of the Way,
Which is its essence.

The enlightened possess understanding
So profound they can not be understood.
Because they cannot be understood
I can only describe their appearance:

Cautious as one crossing thin ice,
Undecided as one surrounded by danger,
Modest as one who is a guest,
Unbounded as melting ice,
Genuine as unshaped wood,
Broad as a valley,
Seamless as muddy water.

Who stills the water that the mud may settle,
Who seeks to stop that he may travel on,
Who desires less than may transpire,
Decays, but will not renew.

Taoism is a way of being yourself without having to seem what you are.